Тема 2. Чтение

2.03 Задания 12-18. Задания на полное понимание прочитанного текста

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Задача 1#57150

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Going solar

Is solar a smart long-term investment that can reduce your carbon footprint? Absolutely — and everybody from the Department of Energy to Leonardo DiCaprio can back it up. But even something as trendy as solar can have downsides. Let's break down the top perks and quirks of going solar.

The top benefit of solar panels is pretty clear. When you install solar power for your home, you generate your own electricity, become less reliant on your electric utility and reduce your monthly electric bill. A solar panel system typically has a 25-30-year lifespan, which means that you can out your electricity costs for decades to come by going solar. Also the cost of solar is dropping across the nation. The next point is that it improves the value of your home. The recent studies found that property values increase after solar is installed. Moreover, it can pay you money while you are earning back your investment. Due to a number of awesome solar incentives in the U.S., solar panels can actually turn you a profit in addition to generating bill savings that pay off the cost of the system.

Then, you have to consider the volatile nature of electricity prices and determine what utility rates will be in years to come. When you compare the coat of utility electricity with home solar, you should keep in mind that you can expect electricity rates to increase annually. Over the past years, national electricity costs have increased at a rate of 2.2 % per year. So this is an added incentive for solar: when you generate your own energy with a rooftop system, you're taking control of energy costs so that you are no longer a victim to variable utility rates. 

It reduces carbon emissions and helps move towards energy independence. As the world searches for the most cost-effective ways to reduce our carbon output in the face of global climate change, solar energy has become a trendy resource for a good reason and perhaps a small victory giving us the right to celebrate Earth Day.

But you should keep in mind that it doesn't work for every type of roof. Certain roofing materials used in older or historical homes can be difficult for solar installers to work with. In addition, many homes and apartment buildings have skylights or other rooftop additions like roof decks that can make the solar installation process difficult or costly. In the long run, however, this shouldn't be a barrier. If your home does not qualify for a rooftop solar system, you still have options: ground mounted solar panels or buying a share in a community solar garden can get you around this drawback of solar energy. Well, not many drawbacks, yeah?

After reviewing our pros and cons of solar energy, there are some clear takeaways. Rooftop solar panels aren't the perfect fit for everyone, but that's okay. Like any other home efficiency product, solar panels provide clear benefits to property owners that are in need of energy upgrades and electricity bill reduction. Not everyone fits that description. Solar energy should be thought of as an investment: a low-risk investment with major returns, but a hefty investment nonetheless.

We are moving towards clean energy, and solar is our cheapest option. There is nothing unclear about our energy future if we want to get rid of fossil fuels and move to renewables. Solar is the most scalable, consumer-friendly solution. 


Who supports solar energy?

1) Only famous film stars.
2) Only government authorities.
3) Various people and institutions.
4) People who follow trends.

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Задача 2#57151

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Going solar

Is solar a smart long-term investment that can reduce your carbon footprint? Absolutely — and everybody from the Department of Energy to Leonardo DiCaprio can back it up. But even something as trendy as solar can have downsides. Let's break down the top perks and quirks of going solar.

The top benefit of solar panels is pretty clear. When you install solar power for your home, you generate your own electricity, become less reliant on your electric utility and reduce your monthly electric bill. A solar panel system typically has a 25-30-year lifespan, which means that you can out your electricity costs for decades to come by going solar. Also the cost of solar is dropping across the nation. The next point is that it improves the value of your home. The recent studies found that property values increase after solar is installed. Moreover, it can pay you money while you are earning back your investment. Due to a number of awesome solar incentives in the U.S., solar panels can actually turn you a profit in addition to generating bill savings that pay off the cost of the system.

Then, you have to consider the volatile nature of electricity prices and determine what utility rates will be in years to come. When you compare the coat of utility electricity with home solar, you should keep in mind that you can expect electricity rates to increase annually. Over the past years, national electricity costs have increased at a rate of 2.2 % per year. So this is an added incentive for solar: when you generate your own energy with a rooftop system, you're taking control of energy costs so that you are no longer a victim to variable utility rates. 

It reduces carbon emissions and helps move towards energy independence. As the world searches for the most cost-effective ways to reduce our carbon output in the face of global climate change, solar energy has become a trendy resource for a good reason and perhaps a small victory giving us the right to celebrate Earth Day.

But you should keep in mind that it doesn't work for every type of roof. Certain roofing materials used in older or historical homes can be difficult for solar installers to work with. In addition, many homes and apartment buildings have skylights or other rooftop additions like roof decks that can make the solar installation process difficult or costly. In the long run, however, this shouldn't be a barrier. If your home does not qualify for a rooftop solar system, you still have options: ground mounted solar panels or buying a share in a community solar garden can get you around this drawback of solar energy. Well, not many drawbacks, yeah?

After reviewing our pros and cons of solar energy, there are some clear takeaways. Rooftop solar panels aren't the perfect fit for everyone, but that's okay. Like any other home efficiency product, solar panels provide clear benefits to property owners that are in need of energy upgrades and electricity bill reduction. Not everyone fits that description. Solar energy should be thought of as an investment: a low-risk investment with major returns, but a hefty investment nonetheless.

We are moving towards clean energy, and solar is our cheapest option. There is nothing unclear about our energy future if we want to get rid of fossil fuels and move to renewables. Solar is the most scalable, consumer-friendly solution. 


Which is the top advantage of solar power?

1) Better electric utilities.
2) Saving money monthly.
3) A long service period of equipment.
4) Decreasing expenses for installation.

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Ответ: 2

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Задача 3#57152

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Going solar

Is solar a smart long-term investment that can reduce your carbon footprint? Absolutely — and everybody from the Department of Energy to Leonardo DiCaprio can back it up. But even something as trendy as solar can have downsides. Let's break down the top perks and quirks of going solar.

The top benefit of solar panels is pretty clear. When you install solar power for your home, you generate your own electricity, become less reliant on your electric utility and reduce your monthly electric bill. A solar panel system typically has a 25-30-year lifespan, which means that you can out your electricity costs for decades to come by going solar. Also the cost of solar is dropping across the nation. The next point is that it improves the value of your home. The recent studies found that property values increase after solar is installed. Moreover, it can pay you money while you are earning back your investment. Due to a number of awesome solar incentives in the U.S., solar panels can actually turn you a profit in addition to generating bill savings that pay off the cost of the system.

Then, you have to consider the volatile nature of electricity prices and determine what utility rates will be in years to come. When you compare the coat of utility electricity with home solar, you should keep in mind that you can expect electricity rates to increase annually. Over the past years, national electricity costs have increased at a rate of 2.2 % per year. So this is an added incentive for solar: when you generate your own energy with a rooftop system, you're taking control of energy costs so that you are no longer a victim to variable utility rates. 

It reduces carbon emissions and helps move towards energy independence. As the world searches for the most cost-effective ways to reduce our carbon output in the face of global climate change, solar energy has become a trendy resource for a good reason and perhaps a small victory giving us the right to celebrate Earth Day.

But you should keep in mind that it doesn't work for every type of roof. Certain roofing materials used in older or historical homes can be difficult for solar installers to work with. In addition, many homes and apartment buildings have skylights or other rooftop additions like roof decks that can make the solar installation process difficult or costly. In the long run, however, this shouldn't be a barrier. If your home does not qualify for a rooftop solar system, you still have options: ground mounted solar panels or buying a share in a community solar garden can get you around this drawback of solar energy. Well, not many drawbacks, yeah?

After reviewing our pros and cons of solar energy, there are some clear takeaways. Rooftop solar panels aren't the perfect fit for everyone, but that's okay. Like any other home efficiency product, solar panels provide clear benefits to property owners that are in need of energy upgrades and electricity bill reduction. Not everyone fits that description. Solar energy should be thought of as an investment: a low-risk investment with major returns, but a hefty investment nonetheless.

We are moving towards clean energy, and solar is our cheapest option. There is nothing unclear about our energy future if we want to get rid of fossil fuels and move to renewables. Solar is the most scalable, consumer-friendly solution. 


It is implied that solar energy is becoming more...

1) profitable over years.
2) expensive in the future.
3) controlled by government.
4) utilized by institutions.

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Задача 4#57153

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Going solar

Is solar a smart long-term investment that can reduce your carbon footprint? Absolutely — and everybody from the Department of Energy to Leonardo DiCaprio can back it up. But even something as trendy as solar can have downsides. Let's break down the top perks and quirks of going solar.

The top benefit of solar panels is pretty clear. When you install solar power for your home, you generate your own electricity, become less reliant on your electric utility and reduce your monthly electric bill. A solar panel system typically has a 25-30-year lifespan, which means that you can out your electricity costs for decades to come by going solar. Also the cost of solar is dropping across the nation. The next point is that it improves the value of your home. The recent studies found that property values increase after solar is installed. Moreover, it can pay you money while you are earning back your investment. Due to a number of awesome solar incentives in the U.S., solar panels can actually turn you a profit in addition to generating bill savings that pay off the cost of the system.

Then, you have to consider the volatile nature of electricity prices and determine what utility rates will be in years to come. When you compare the coat of utility electricity with home solar, you should keep in mind that you can expect electricity rates to increase annually. Over the past years, national electricity costs have increased at a rate of 2.2 % per year. So this is an added incentive for solar: when you generate your own energy with a rooftop system, you're taking control of energy costs so that you are no longer a victim to variable utility rates. 

It reduces carbon emissions and helps move towards energy independence. As the world searches for the most cost-effective ways to reduce our carbon output in the face of global climate change, solar energy has become a trendy resource for a good reason and perhaps a small victory giving us the right to celebrate Earth Day.

But you should keep in mind that it doesn't work for every type of roof. Certain roofing materials used in older or historical homes can be difficult for solar installers to work with. In addition, many homes and apartment buildings have skylights or other rooftop additions like roof decks that can make the solar installation process difficult or costly. In the long run, however, this shouldn't be a barrier. If your home does not qualify for a rooftop solar system, you still have options: ground mounted solar panels or buying a share in a community solar garden can get you around this drawback of solar energy. Well, not many drawbacks, yeah?

After reviewing our pros and cons of solar energy, there are some clear takeaways. Rooftop solar panels aren't the perfect fit for everyone, but that's okay. Like any other home efficiency product, solar panels provide clear benefits to property owners that are in need of energy upgrades and electricity bill reduction. Not everyone fits that description. Solar energy should be thought of as an investment: a low-risk investment with major returns, but a hefty investment nonetheless.

We are moving towards clean energy, and solar is our cheapest option. There is nothing unclear about our energy future if we want to get rid of fossil fuels and move to renewables. Solar is the most scalable, consumer-friendly solution. 


Why does the author mention Earth Day?

1) Earth Day helps to reduce carbon emissions worldwide.
2) The author thinks that this special day is very important.
3) It is a good day to promote using solar energy among local public.
4) The goals of using solar power and celebrating Earth Day are similar.

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Задача 5#57154

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Going solar

Is solar a smart long-term investment that can reduce your carbon footprint? Absolutely — and everybody from the Department of Energy to Leonardo DiCaprio can back it up. But even something as trendy as solar can have downsides. Let's break down the top perks and quirks of going solar.

The top benefit of solar panels is pretty clear. When you install solar power for your home, you generate your own electricity, become less reliant on your electric utility and reduce your monthly electric bill. A solar panel system typically has a 25-30-year lifespan, which means that you can out your electricity costs for decades to come by going solar. Also the cost of solar is dropping across the nation. The next point is that it improves the value of your home. The recent studies found that property values increase after solar is installed. Moreover, it can pay you money while you are earning back your investment. Due to a number of awesome solar incentives in the U.S., solar panels can actually turn you a profit in addition to generating bill savings that pay off the cost of the system.

Then, you have to consider the volatile nature of electricity prices and determine what utility rates will be in years to come. When you compare the coat of utility electricity with home solar, you should keep in mind that you can expect electricity rates to increase annually. Over the past years, national electricity costs have increased at a rate of 2.2 % per year. So this is an added incentive for solar: when you generate your own energy with a rooftop system, you're taking control of energy costs so that you are no longer a victim to variable utility rates. 

It reduces carbon emissions and helps move towards energy independence. As the world searches for the most cost-effective ways to reduce our carbon output in the face of global climate change, solar energy has become a trendy resource for a good reason and perhaps a small victory giving us the right to celebrate Earth Day.

But you should keep in mind that it doesn't work for every type of roof. Certain roofing materials used in older or historical homes can be difficult for solar installers to work with. In addition, many homes and apartment buildings have skylights or other rooftop additions like roof decks that can make the solar installation process difficult or costly. In the long run, however, this shouldn't be a barrier. If your home does not qualify for a rooftop solar system, you still have options: ground mounted solar panels or buying a share in a community solar garden can get you around this drawback of solar energy. Well, not many drawbacks, yeah?

After reviewing our pros and cons of solar energy, there are some clear takeaways. Rooftop solar panels aren't the perfect fit for everyone, but that's okay. Like any other home efficiency product, solar panels provide clear benefits to property owners that are in need of energy upgrades and electricity bill reduction. Not everyone fits that description. Solar energy should be thought of as an investment: a low-risk investment with major returns, but a hefty investment nonetheless.

We are moving towards clean energy, and solar is our cheapest option. There is nothing unclear about our energy future if we want to get rid of fossil fuels and move to renewables. Solar is the most scalable, consumer-friendly solution. 


What does the author say about the disadvantages of solar?

1) Solar installation spoils historical buildings.
2) The system can be installed on the roof only.
3) Installation requires adding roof decks.
4) There are ways to deal with these disadvantages.

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Задача 6#57155

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Going solar

Is solar a smart long-term investment that can reduce your carbon footprint? Absolutely — and everybody from the Department of Energy to Leonardo DiCaprio can back it up. But even something as trendy as solar can have downsides. Let's break down the top perks and quirks of going solar.

The top benefit of solar panels is pretty clear. When you install solar power for your home, you generate your own electricity, become less reliant on your electric utility and reduce your monthly electric bill. A solar panel system typically has a 25-30-year lifespan, which means that you can out your electricity costs for decades to come by going solar. Also the cost of solar is dropping across the nation. The next point is that it improves the value of your home. The recent studies found that property values increase after solar is installed. Moreover, it can pay you money while you are earning back your investment. Due to a number of awesome solar incentives in the U.S., solar panels can actually turn you a profit in addition to generating bill savings that pay off the cost of the system.

Then, you have to consider the volatile nature of electricity prices and determine what utility rates will be in years to come. When you compare the coat of utility electricity with home solar, you should keep in mind that you can expect electricity rates to increase annually. Over the past years, national electricity costs have increased at a rate of 2.2 % per year. So this is an added incentive for solar: when you generate your own energy with a rooftop system, you're taking control of energy costs so that you are no longer a victim to variable utility rates. 

It reduces carbon emissions and helps move towards energy independence. As the world searches for the most cost-effective ways to reduce our carbon output in the face of global climate change, solar energy has become a trendy resource for a good reason and perhaps a small victory giving us the right to celebrate Earth Day.

But you should keep in mind that it doesn't work for every type of roof. Certain roofing materials used in older or historical homes can be difficult for solar installers to work with. In addition, many homes and apartment buildings have skylights or other rooftop additions like roof decks that can make the solar installation process difficult or costly. In the long run, however, this shouldn't be a barrier. If your home does not qualify for a rooftop solar system, you still have options: ground mounted solar panels or buying a share in a community solar garden can get you around this drawback of solar energy. Well, not many drawbacks, yeah?

After reviewing our pros and cons of solar energy, there are some clear takeaways. Rooftop solar panels aren't the perfect fit for everyone, but that's okay. Like any other home efficiency product, solar panels provide clear benefits to property owners that are in need of energy upgrades and electricity bill reduction. Not everyone fits that description. Solar energy should be thought of as an investment: a low-risk investment with major returns, but a hefty investment nonetheless.

We are moving towards clean energy, and solar is our cheapest option. There is nothing unclear about our energy future if we want to get rid of fossil fuels and move to renewables. Solar is the most scalable, consumer-friendly solution. 


"Get you around" in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to...

1) avoid.
2) reduce.
3) persuade.
4) exchange.

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Задача 7#57157

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Going solar

Is solar a smart long-term investment that can reduce your carbon footprint? Absolutely — and everybody from the Department of Energy to Leonardo DiCaprio can back it up. But even something as trendy as solar can have downsides. Let's break down the top perks and quirks of going solar.

The top benefit of solar panels is pretty clear. When you install solar power for your home, you generate your own electricity, become less reliant on your electric utility and reduce your monthly electric bill. A solar panel system typically has a 25-30-year lifespan, which means that you can out your electricity costs for decades to come by going solar. Also the cost of solar is dropping across the nation. The next point is that it improves the value of your home. The recent studies found that property values increase after solar is installed. Moreover, it can pay you money while you are earning back your investment. Due to a number of awesome solar incentives in the U.S., solar panels can actually turn you a profit in addition to generating bill savings that pay off the cost of the system.

Then, you have to consider the volatile nature of electricity prices and determine what utility rates will be in years to come. When you compare the coat of utility electricity with home solar, you should keep in mind that you can expect electricity rates to increase annually. Over the past years, national electricity costs have increased at a rate of 2.2 % per year. So this is an added incentive for solar: when you generate your own energy with a rooftop system, you're taking control of energy costs so that you are no longer a victim to variable utility rates. 

It reduces carbon emissions and helps move towards energy independence. As the world searches for the most cost-effective ways to reduce our carbon output in the face of global climate change, solar energy has become a trendy resource for a good reason and perhaps a small victory giving us the right to celebrate Earth Day.

But you should keep in mind that it doesn't work for every type of roof. Certain roofing materials used in older or historical homes can be difficult for solar installers to work with. In addition, many homes and apartment buildings have skylights or other rooftop additions like roof decks that can make the solar installation process difficult or costly. In the long run, however, this shouldn't be a barrier. If your home does not qualify for a rooftop solar system, you still have options: ground mounted solar panels or buying a share in a community solar garden can get you around this drawback of solar energy. Well, not many drawbacks, yeah?

After reviewing our pros and cons of solar energy, there are some clear takeaways. Rooftop solar panels aren't the perfect fit for everyone, but that's okay. Like any other home efficiency product, solar panels provide clear benefits to property owners that are in need of energy upgrades and electricity bill reduction. Not everyone fits that description. Solar energy should be thought of as an investment: a low-risk investment with major returns, but a hefty investment nonetheless.

We are moving towards clean energy, and solar is our cheapest option. There is nothing unclear about our energy future if we want to get rid of fossil fuels and move to renewables. Solar is the most scalable, consumer-friendly solution. 


What is the main idea of the article?

1) You should consider minuses of solar panels before installation.
2) Solar power is the best among clean energy options.
3) The disadvantages of solar power outweigh the advantages.
4) It is not clear yet what will happen with solar systems.

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Задача 8#53917

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Preschool education

The overwhelming need for preschool teachers in America is a result of a preschool teacher's pay which is comparatively low. In the country nearly 15 million children are living in poverty, whose mothers and fathers are wrestling with low wages and low socio-economic status. They are trying to make a way for their children to have the opportunity to succeed in the school system, and a large role in the success of a child's future is the promise of preschool.

But with preschool teachers still deemed as nothing more than babysitters, the undervaluing of proper education is profound. About half of the children under the age of five are living below the poverty line and need preschool to pull them from the cycle of poverty and prepare them for a life of possibility.

From birth to the age of five, people's brains develop more than they will at any other time in their lives. And the way the minds are molded during these first five years affects the way children will navigate their further education, and then their lives. The countless experiences encountered by children during these first five years of life — regardless of whether they are positive or negative experiences — shape developing brains. And by the time a child enters kindergarten, 90 percent of their brains have developed.

Preschool teachers are the hands shaping millions of minds during the most influential and delicate period of a person's life. And therefore, preschool teachers are much more than babysitters and deserve to be treated as such by society and paid decent salaries.

In those first five years of life, our brains develop so intricately and intensely. According to First Things First, what allows the brain to develop, think, communicate, and grow is the connections our brain cells make during those first few years. These connections are cultivated over the course of those years, and every experience is documented by our developing brains. So when children are entering into preschool, they are being profoundly shaped into the kind of person they will be for the rest of their life, because of the messages and connections in their brains. 

The fragility of children's lives is astounding, and preschool teachers instill patience in their lessons as they introduce children to reading, writing, storytelling, social studies, creative arts, vocabulary expansion, math, and science for the first time. All the while, they allow children room to grow, ask questions, and discover.

Children without preschool enter the education system heavily unprepared and devastatingly disadvantaged, lacking in areas such as social and cognitive development. Children without preschool are less likely to graduate — or if they do graduate, they are less likely to pursue college, according to a 2015 study from the U.S. Department of Education. But children with preschool are less likely to repeat a grade and are more likely to succeed in whatever career they choose.

Preschool teachers give children a platform for a successfully patterned life and deserve pay reflecting such. Because when they are paid so little — when they are surviving on the brink of the poverty line — it is overwhelmingly difficult to continue pursuing a career as preschool teachers. America needs preschool. And preschool teachers need adequate and fair pay. 

According to the article, poor children in the USA...

1) never succeed in the school system.
2) need preschool more than others.
3) value every opportunity to learn.
4) have babysitters because their parents work. 

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В заданиях 12-18 мы ищем в тексте синонимы к тому, что видим в одном из вариантов ответа. 

According to the article, poor children in the USA...

need preschool more than others. = About half of the children under the age of five are living below the poverty line and need preschool to pull them from the cycle of poverty


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Задача 9#53918

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Preschool education

The overwhelming need for preschool teachers in America is a result of a preschool teacher's pay which is comparatively low. In the country nearly 15 million children are living in poverty, whose mothers and fathers are wrestling with low wages and low socio-economic status. They are trying to make a way for their children to have the opportunity to succeed in the school system, and a large role in the success of a child's future is the promise of preschool.

But with preschool teachers still deemed as nothing more than babysitters, the undervaluing of proper education is profound. About half of the children under the age of five are living below the poverty line and need preschool to pull them from the cycle of poverty and prepare them for a life of possibility.

From birth to the age of five, people's brains develop more than they will at any other time in their lives. And the way the minds are molded during these first five years affects the way children will navigate their further education, and then their lives. The countless experiences encountered by children during these first five years of life — regardless of whether they are positive or negative experiences — shape developing brains. And by the time a child enters kindergarten, 90 percent of their brains have developed.

Preschool teachers are the hands shaping millions of minds during the most influential and delicate period of a person's life. And therefore, preschool teachers are much more than babysitters and deserve to be treated as such by society and paid decent salaries.

In those first five years of life, our brains develop so intricately and intensely. According to First Things First, what allows the brain to develop, think, communicate, and grow is the connections our brain cells make during those first few years. These connections are cultivated over the course of those years, and every experience is documented by our developing brains. So when children are entering into preschool, they are being profoundly shaped into the kind of person they will be for the rest of their life, because of the messages and connections in their brains. 

The fragility of children's lives is astounding, and preschool teachers instill patience in their lessons as they introduce children to reading, writing, storytelling, social studies, creative arts, vocabulary expansion, math, and science for the first time. All the while, they allow children room to grow, ask questions, and discover.

Children without preschool enter the education system heavily unprepared and devastatingly disadvantaged, lacking in areas such as social and cognitive development. Children without preschool are less likely to graduate — or if they do graduate, they are less likely to pursue college, according to a 2015 study from the U.S. Department of Education. But children with preschool are less likely to repeat a grade and are more likely to succeed in whatever career they choose.

Preschool teachers give children a platform for a successfully patterned life and deserve pay reflecting such. Because when they are paid so little — when they are surviving on the brink of the poverty line — it is overwhelmingly difficult to continue pursuing a career as preschool teachers. America needs preschool. And preschool teachers need adequate and fair pay. 

The author thinks that preschool teachers are...

1) properly treated.
2) much respected.
3) underestimated.
4) well-prepared.

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The author thinks that preschool teachers are...

underestimated. = a preschool teacher's pay which is comparatively low, preschool teachers still deemed as nothing more than babysitters, undervaluing of proper education

Ответ: 3

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Задача 10#53919

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Preschool education

The overwhelming need for preschool teachers in America is a result of a preschool teacher's pay which is comparatively low. In the country nearly 15 million children are living in poverty, whose mothers and fathers are wrestling with low wages and low socio-economic status. They are trying to make a way for their children to have the opportunity to succeed in the school system, and a large role in the success of a child's future is the promise of preschool.

But with preschool teachers still deemed as nothing more than babysitters, the undervaluing of proper education is profound. About half of the children under the age of five are living below the poverty line and need preschool to pull them from the cycle of poverty and prepare them for a life of possibility.

From birth to the age of five, people's brains develop more than they will at any other time in their lives. And the way the minds are molded during these first five years affects the way children will navigate their further education, and then their lives. The countless experiences encountered by children during these first five years of life — regardless of whether they are positive or negative experiences — shape developing brains. And by the time a child enters kindergarten, 90 percent of their brains have developed.

Preschool teachers are the hands shaping millions of minds during the most influential and delicate period of a person's life. And therefore, preschool teachers are much more than babysitters and deserve to be treated as such by society and paid decent salaries.

In those first five years of life, our brains develop so intricately and intensely. According to First Things First, what allows the brain to develop, think, communicate, and grow is the connections our brain cells make during those first few years. These connections are cultivated over the course of those years, and every experience is documented by our developing brains. So when children are entering into preschool, they are being profoundly shaped into the kind of person they will be for the rest of their life, because of the messages and connections in their brains. 

The fragility of children's lives is astounding, and preschool teachers instill patience in their lessons as they introduce children to reading, writing, storytelling, social studies, creative arts, vocabulary expansion, math, and science for the first time. All the while, they allow children room to grow, ask questions, and discover.

Children without preschool enter the education system heavily unprepared and devastatingly disadvantaged, lacking in areas such as social and cognitive development. Children without preschool are less likely to graduate — or if they do graduate, they are less likely to pursue college, according to a 2015 study from the U.S. Department of Education. But children with preschool are less likely to repeat a grade and are more likely to succeed in whatever career they choose.

Preschool teachers give children a platform for a successfully patterned life and deserve pay reflecting such. Because when they are paid so little — when they are surviving on the brink of the poverty line — it is overwhelmingly difficult to continue pursuing a career as preschool teachers. America needs preschool. And preschool teachers need adequate and fair pay. 

It is implied that children in the first five years...

1) undergo crucial mental processes.
2) develop slower than at other times.
3) are more sensitive to bad things.
4) are easily taught various things. 

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It is implied that children in the first five years...

undergo crucial mental processes. = From birth to the age of five, people's brains develop more than they will at any other time in their lives 

Вариант 4 так же может подразумеваться, но то, что написано прямым текстом, соответствует именно варианту 1, поскольку описан как раз crucial mental process - fast development

Other crucial mental processes: According to First Things First, what allows the brain to develop, think, communicate, and grow is the connections our brain cells make during those first few years.

Ответ: 1

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Задача 11#53920

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Preschool education

The overwhelming need for preschool teachers in America is a result of a preschool teacher's pay which is comparatively low. In the country nearly 15 million children are living in poverty, whose mothers and fathers are wrestling with low wages and low socio-economic status. They are trying to make a way for their children to have the opportunity to succeed in the school system, and a large role in the success of a child's future is the promise of preschool.

But with preschool teachers still deemed as nothing more than babysitters, the undervaluing of proper education is profound. About half of the children under the age of five are living below the poverty line and need preschool to pull them from the cycle of poverty and prepare them for a life of possibility.

From birth to the age of five, people's brains develop more than they will at any other time in their lives. And the way the minds are molded during these first five years affects the way children will navigate their further education, and then their lives. The countless experiences encountered by children during these first five years of life — regardless of whether they are positive or negative experiences — shape developing brains. And by the time a child enters kindergarten, 90 percent of their brains have developed.

Preschool teachers are the hands shaping millions of minds during the most influential and delicate period of a person's life. And therefore, preschool teachers are much more than babysitters and deserve to be treated as such by society and paid decent salaries.

In those first five years of life, our brains develop so intricately and intensely. According to First Things First, what allows the brain to develop, think, communicate, and grow is the connections our brain cells make during those first few years. These connections are cultivated over the course of those years, and every experience is documented by our developing brains. So when children are entering into preschool, they are being profoundly shaped into the kind of person they will be for the rest of their life, because of the messages and connections in their brains. 

The fragility of children's lives is astounding, and preschool teachers instill patience in their lessons as they introduce children to reading, writing, storytelling, social studies, creative arts, vocabulary expansion, math, and science for the first time. All the while, they allow children room to grow, ask questions, and discover.

Children without preschool enter the education system heavily unprepared and devastatingly disadvantaged, lacking in areas such as social and cognitive development. Children without preschool are less likely to graduate — or if they do graduate, they are less likely to pursue college, according to a 2015 study from the U.S. Department of Education. But children with preschool are less likely to repeat a grade and are more likely to succeed in whatever career they choose.

Preschool teachers give children a platform for a successfully patterned life and deserve pay reflecting such. Because when they are paid so little — when they are surviving on the brink of the poverty line — it is overwhelmingly difficult to continue pursuing a career as preschool teachers. America needs preschool. And preschool teachers need adequate and fair pay. 

The author thinks that preschool teachers influence a child...

1) slightly.
2) strongly.
3) doubtfully.
4) gently. 

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The author thinks that preschool teachers influence a child...

 strongly. = Preschool teachers are the hands shaping millions of minds

Ответ: 2

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Задача 12#53921

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Preschool education

The overwhelming need for preschool teachers in America is a result of a preschool teacher's pay which is comparatively low. In the country nearly 15 million children are living in poverty, whose mothers and fathers are wrestling with low wages and low socio-economic status. They are trying to make a way for their children to have the opportunity to succeed in the school system, and a large role in the success of a child's future is the promise of preschool.

But with preschool teachers still deemed as nothing more than babysitters, the undervaluing of proper education is profound. About half of the children under the age of five are living below the poverty line and need preschool to pull them from the cycle of poverty and prepare them for a life of possibility.

From birth to the age of five, people's brains develop more than they will at any other time in their lives. And the way the minds are molded during these first five years affects the way children will navigate their further education, and then their lives. The countless experiences encountered by children during these first five years of life — regardless of whether they are positive or negative experiences — shape developing brains. And by the time a child enters kindergarten, 90 percent of their brains have developed.

Preschool teachers are the hands shaping millions of minds during the most influential and delicate period of a person's life. And therefore, preschool teachers are much more than babysitters and deserve to be treated as such by society and paid decent salaries.

In those first five years of life, our brains develop so intricately and intensely. According to First Things First, what allows the brain to develop, think, communicate, and grow is the connections our brain cells make during those first few years. These connections are cultivated over the course of those years, and every experience is documented by our developing brains. So when children are entering into preschool, they are being profoundly shaped into the kind of person they will be for the rest of their life, because of the messages and connections in their brains. 

The fragility of children's lives is astounding, and preschool teachers instill patience in their lessons as they introduce children to reading, writing, storytelling, social studies, creative arts, vocabulary expansion, math, and science for the first time. All the while, they allow children room to grow, ask questions, and discover.

Children without preschool enter the education system heavily unprepared and devastatingly disadvantaged, lacking in areas such as social and cognitive development. Children without preschool are less likely to graduate — or if they do graduate, they are less likely to pursue college, according to a 2015 study from the U.S. Department of Education. But children with preschool are less likely to repeat a grade and are more likely to succeed in whatever career they choose.

Preschool teachers give children a platform for a successfully patterned life and deserve pay reflecting such. Because when they are paid so little — when they are surviving on the brink of the poverty line — it is overwhelmingly difficult to continue pursuing a career as preschool teachers. America needs preschool. And preschool teachers need adequate and fair pay. 

They in paragraph 5 ("...they are being profoundly shaped...") most probably refers to...

1) lives.
2) links.
3) minds.
4) kids. 

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Для того, чтобы правильно ответить здесь, нужно внимательно посмотреть на контекст фразы.

These connections are cultivated over the course of those years, and every experience is documented by our developing brains. So when children are entering into preschool, they are being profoundly shaped into the kind of person they will be for the rest of their life, because of the messages and connections in their brains. 

Только сами дети, kids, могут сформироваться в тех людей, кем они будут до конца жизни. В контексте есть connections и brains, но в этой фразе именно существительное children заменяется на they.

Ответ: 4

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Задача 13#53922

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Preschool education

The overwhelming need for preschool teachers in America is a result of a preschool teacher's pay which is comparatively low. In the country nearly 15 million children are living in poverty, whose mothers and fathers are wrestling with low wages and low socio-economic status. They are trying to make a way for their children to have the opportunity to succeed in the school system, and a large role in the success of a child's future is the promise of preschool.

But with preschool teachers still deemed as nothing more than babysitters, the undervaluing of proper education is profound. About half of the children under the age of five are living below the poverty line and need preschool to pull them from the cycle of poverty and prepare them for a life of possibility.

From birth to the age of five, people's brains develop more than they will at any other time in their lives. And the way the minds are molded during these first five years affects the way children will navigate their further education, and then their lives. The countless experiences encountered by children during these first five years of life — regardless of whether they are positive or negative experiences — shape developing brains. And by the time a child enters kindergarten, 90 percent of their brains have developed.

Preschool teachers are the hands shaping millions of minds during the most influential and delicate period of a person's life. And therefore, preschool teachers are much more than babysitters and deserve to be treated as such by society and paid decent salaries.

In those first five years of life, our brains develop so intricately and intensely. According to First Things First, what allows the brain to develop, think, communicate, and grow is the connections our brain cells make during those first few years. These connections are cultivated over the course of those years, and every experience is documented by our developing brains. So when children are entering into preschool, they are being profoundly shaped into the kind of person they will be for the rest of their life, because of the messages and connections in their brains. 

The fragility of children's lives is astounding, and preschool teachers instill patience in their lessons as they introduce children to reading, writing, storytelling, social studies, creative arts, vocabulary expansion, math, and science for the first time. All the while, they allow children room to grow, ask questions, and discover.

Children without preschool enter the education system heavily unprepared and devastatingly disadvantaged, lacking in areas such as social and cognitive development. Children without preschool are less likely to graduate — or if they do graduate, they are less likely to pursue college, according to a 2015 study from the U.S. Department of Education. But children with preschool are less likely to repeat a grade and are more likely to succeed in whatever career they choose.

Preschool teachers give children a platform for a successfully patterned life and deserve pay reflecting such. Because when they are paid so little — when they are surviving on the brink of the poverty line — it is overwhelmingly difficult to continue pursuing a career as preschool teachers. America needs preschool. And preschool teachers need adequate and fair pay. 

Children who attend preschool...

1) have problems entering college.
2) always graduate from school.
3) require better social skills.
4) have chances to get a good job.

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Children who attend preschool...

have chances to get a good job. = children with preschool are less likely to repeat a grade and are more likely to succeed in whatever career they choose

Ответ: 4

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Задача 14#53923

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Preschool education

The overwhelming need for preschool teachers in America is a result of a preschool teacher's pay which is comparatively low. In the country nearly 15 million children are living in poverty, whose mothers and fathers are wrestling with low wages and low socio-economic status. They are trying to make a way for their children to have the opportunity to succeed in the school system, and a large role in the success of a child's future is the promise of preschool.

But with preschool teachers still deemed as nothing more than babysitters, the undervaluing of proper education is profound. About half of the children under the age of five are living below the poverty line and need preschool to pull them from the cycle of poverty and prepare them for a life of possibility.

From birth to the age of five, people's brains develop more than they will at any other time in their lives. And the way the minds are molded during these first five years affects the way children will navigate their further education, and then their lives. The countless experiences encountered by children during these first five years of life — regardless of whether they are positive or negative experiences — shape developing brains. And by the time a child enters kindergarten, 90 percent of their brains have developed.

Preschool teachers are the hands shaping millions of minds during the most influential and delicate period of a person's life. And therefore, preschool teachers are much more than babysitters and deserve to be treated as such by society and paid decent salaries.

In those first five years of life, our brains develop so intricately and intensely. According to First Things First, what allows the brain to develop, think, communicate, and grow is the connections our brain cells make during those first few years. These connections are cultivated over the course of those years, and every experience is documented by our developing brains. So when children are entering into preschool, they are being profoundly shaped into the kind of person they will be for the rest of their life, because of the messages and connections in their brains. 

The fragility of children's lives is astounding, and preschool teachers instill patience in their lessons as they introduce children to reading, writing, storytelling, social studies, creative arts, vocabulary expansion, math, and science for the first time. All the while, they allow children room to grow, ask questions, and discover.

Children without preschool enter the education system heavily unprepared and devastatingly disadvantaged, lacking in areas such as social and cognitive development. Children without preschool are less likely to graduate — or if they do graduate, they are less likely to pursue college, according to a 2015 study from the U.S. Department of Education. But children with preschool are less likely to repeat a grade and are more likely to succeed in whatever career they choose.

Preschool teachers give children a platform for a successfully patterned life and deserve pay reflecting such. Because when they are paid so little — when they are surviving on the brink of the poverty line — it is overwhelmingly difficult to continue pursuing a career as preschool teachers. America needs preschool. And preschool teachers need adequate and fair pay. 

What is the author's message?

1) Preschool teachers must have bigger salaries.
2) More students should train to be preschool teachers.
3) Better training is necessary for preschool teachers.
4) Eliminating poverty will improve education.

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Основную мысль текста автор, как правило, подчеркивает в конце. Здесь мы видим следующее:

Preschool teachers give children a platform for a successfully patterned life and deserve pay reflecting such. ... And preschool teachers need adequate and fair pay

Всё это говорит о важности достойной оплаты труда дошкольных педагогов.

Ответ: 1

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Задача 15#76569

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Seeing the big picture

In my very first experiences of interning or doing part-time work, I usually get placed at the very bottom of the food chain. One summer I was an administrative assistant, and now I hold a part-time job as an accounts receivable clerk. Since I mostly come inexperienced, I would have to get trained and mentored by the employees there. Most of the time, I get paired with an employee who introduces me to their daily tasks. After a few times experiencing this, and having the position of an outsider who is given a glimpse of the inner workings of a company, I've started to notice something that companies have in common. Most of us are missing the big picture.

As an employee starting a career in a specific company, in a non-decision-making position, we are often given a set of instructions for our daily tasks. These are the things that need to be done (by us) in order for the organisation to run well. It could be creating clippings of real estate advertisements from the newspaper. It might be processing a payment by following a detailed set of instructions. It could be very tedious stuff that might lead you to start to think: "Why am I doing this?"

I completely understand that sometimes there just isn't enough time or resources to explain everything to everyone in the team. But here is why I think understanding the big picture is great for everyone in the organisation.

First and foremost, not understanding the significance of what you are doing kills motivation. When you are stuck repeatedly doing the same things, for weeks and months... no matter how good of an employee you are, you will get bored. Especially if you don't understand the contributions that you are making as you work. When you lose motivation, then the quality of your work will automatically decrease. This is bad not just for you, but for the entire company as well — because now you are inefficient.

On the other hand, if you understand the reasoning behind your tasks why it has to be done, you will feel that you are important to your organisation — that you belong, and that what you do matters. Most of the time, the quality of your work improves if you are motivated.

For example, everyday I have to input the page numbers for the ads in our school paper. It's tedious work. At first, I didn't know why I was doing it, and I was getting frustrated with having to do it every day. After a while, however, I realised that this was important because it was the only way for us to make sure that the ads were there, and that we can always use the page number that we've inputted to track an advertisement from weeks , or months ago, when needed (e.g. when a client requests to see a screenshot of the ad as proof.) After realising this, I started to take this daily task more seriously. Well, I didn't, become super passionate about it either, but I see the importance.

I feel like entrusting this knowledge to interns, admin-level employees, the newbies, in a club, or other similar positions, is beneficial for both the organisation and the individual. By doing this, you are educating them about the bigger things going on at work, and also reminding them that their efforts matter. You are encouraging them to become problem solvers, and to look at things the way you would look at things.

I've seen a lot of people complain every day saying things like, "I don't understand why they can't just do it properly! It's not that hard!" If that's the case, maybe take a step back. You might know how to do it perfectly because you know the big picture. Maybe, they don't know how to do the tasks properly because they're only seeing a small part of the picture, and that's not enough.

The jobs the author got as an intern allowed her to...

1) find similar features in these organisations.
2) see the big picture of the companies' structures.
3) get to know good mentors and establish connections.
4) share the responsibilities with other employees. 

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Задача 16#76570

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Seeing the big picture

In my very first experiences of interning or doing part-time work, I usually get placed at the very bottom of the food chain. One summer I was an administrative assistant, and now I hold a part-time job as an accounts receivable clerk. Since I mostly come inexperienced, I would have to get trained and mentored by the employees there. Most of the time, I get paired with an employee who introduces me to their daily tasks. After a few times experiencing this, and having the position of an outsider who is given a glimpse of the inner workings of a company, I've started to notice something that companies have in common. Most of us are missing the big picture.

As an employee starting a career in a specific company, in a non-decision-making position, we are often given a set of instructions for our daily tasks. These are the things that need to be done (by us) in order for the organisation to run well. It could be creating clippings of real estate advertisements from the newspaper. It might be processing a payment by following a detailed set of instructions. It could be very tedious stuff that might lead you to start to think: "Why am I doing this?"

I completely understand that sometimes there just isn't enough time or resources to explain everything to everyone in the team. But here is why I think understanding the big picture is great for everyone in the organisation.

First and foremost, not understanding the significance of what you are doing kills motivation. When you are stuck repeatedly doing the same things, for weeks and months... no matter how good of an employee you are, you will get bored. Especially if you don't understand the contributions that you are making as you work. When you lose motivation, then the quality of your work will automatically decrease. This is bad not just for you, but for the entire company as well — because now you are inefficient.

On the other hand, if you understand the reasoning behind your tasks why it has to be done, you will feel that you are important to your organisation — that you belong, and that what you do matters. Most of the time, the quality of your work improves if you are motivated.

For example, everyday I have to input the page numbers for the ads in our school paper. It's tedious work. At first, I didn't know why I was doing it, and I was getting frustrated with having to do it every day. After a while, however, I realised that this was important because it was the only way for us to make sure that the ads were there, and that we can always use the page number that we've inputted to track an advertisement from weeks , or months ago, when needed (e.g. when a client requests to see a screenshot of the ad as proof.) After realising this, I started to take this daily task more seriously. Well, I didn't, become super passionate about it either, but I see the importance.

I feel like entrusting this knowledge to interns, admin-level employees, the newbies, in a club, or other similar positions, is beneficial for both the organisation and the individual. By doing this, you are educating them about the bigger things going on at work, and also reminding them that their efforts matter. You are encouraging them to become problem solvers, and to look at things the way you would look at things.

I've seen a lot of people complain every day saying things like, "I don't understand why they can't just do it properly! It's not that hard!" If that's the case, maybe take a step back. You might know how to do it perfectly because you know the big picture. Maybe, they don't know how to do the tasks properly because they're only seeing a small part of the picture, and that's not enough.

The expression tedious stuff in "It could be very tedious stuff" (paragraph 2) most probably refers to...

1) detailed instructions.
2) boring responsibilities.
3) doing your job well.
4) important questions. 

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Ответ: 2

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Задача 17#76571

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Seeing the big picture

In my very first experiences of interning or doing part-time work, I usually get placed at the very bottom of the food chain. One summer I was an administrative assistant, and now I hold a part-time job as an accounts receivable clerk. Since I mostly come inexperienced, I would have to get trained and mentored by the employees there. Most of the time, I get paired with an employee who introduces me to their daily tasks. After a few times experiencing this, and having the position of an outsider who is given a glimpse of the inner workings of a company, I've started to notice something that companies have in common. Most of us are missing the big picture.

As an employee starting a career in a specific company, in a non-decision-making position, we are often given a set of instructions for our daily tasks. These are the things that need to be done (by us) in order for the organisation to run well. It could be creating clippings of real estate advertisements from the newspaper. It might be processing a payment by following a detailed set of instructions. It could be very tedious stuff that might lead you to start to think: "Why am I doing this?"

I completely understand that sometimes there just isn't enough time or resources to explain everything to everyone in the team. But here is why I think understanding the big picture is great for everyone in the organisation.

First and foremost, not understanding the significance of what you are doing kills motivation. When you are stuck repeatedly doing the same things, for weeks and months... no matter how good of an employee you are, you will get bored. Especially if you don't understand the contributions that you are making as you work. When you lose motivation, then the quality of your work will automatically decrease. This is bad not just for you, but for the entire company as well — because now you are inefficient.

On the other hand, if you understand the reasoning behind your tasks why it has to be done, you will feel that you are important to your organisation — that you belong, and that what you do matters. Most of the time, the quality of your work improves if you are motivated.

For example, everyday I have to input the page numbers for the ads in our school paper. It's tedious work. At first, I didn't know why I was doing it, and I was getting frustrated with having to do it every day. After a while, however, I realised that this was important because it was the only way for us to make sure that the ads were there, and that we can always use the page number that we've inputted to track an advertisement from weeks , or months ago, when needed (e.g. when a client requests to see a screenshot of the ad as proof.) After realising this, I started to take this daily task more seriously. Well, I didn't, become super passionate about it either, but I see the importance.

I feel like entrusting this knowledge to interns, admin-level employees, the newbies, in a club, or other similar positions, is beneficial for both the organisation and the individual. By doing this, you are educating them about the bigger things going on at work, and also reminding them that their efforts matter. You are encouraging them to become problem solvers, and to look at things the way you would look at things.

I've seen a lot of people complain every day saying things like, "I don't understand why they can't just do it properly! It's not that hard!" If that's the case, maybe take a step back. You might know how to do it perfectly because you know the big picture. Maybe, they don't know how to do the tasks properly because they're only seeing a small part of the picture, and that's not enough.

Which is NOT mentioned as a result of lacking "understanding the big picture" in an organisation?

1) Employees will be unproductive.
2) It will affect the whole company.
3) Staff will be less interested in work.
4) You will have to repeat the same tasks.

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Ответ: 4

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Задача 18#76572

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Seeing the big picture

In my very first experiences of interning or doing part-time work, I usually get placed at the very bottom of the food chain. One summer I was an administrative assistant, and now I hold a part-time job as an accounts receivable clerk. Since I mostly come inexperienced, I would have to get trained and mentored by the employees there. Most of the time, I get paired with an employee who introduces me to their daily tasks. After a few times experiencing this, and having the position of an outsider who is given a glimpse of the inner workings of a company, I've started to notice something that companies have in common. Most of us are missing the big picture.

As an employee starting a career in a specific company, in a non-decision-making position, we are often given a set of instructions for our daily tasks. These are the things that need to be done (by us) in order for the organisation to run well. It could be creating clippings of real estate advertisements from the newspaper. It might be processing a payment by following a detailed set of instructions. It could be very tedious stuff that might lead you to start to think: "Why am I doing this?"

I completely understand that sometimes there just isn't enough time or resources to explain everything to everyone in the team. But here is why I think understanding the big picture is great for everyone in the organisation.

First and foremost, not understanding the significance of what you are doing kills motivation. When you are stuck repeatedly doing the same things, for weeks and months... no matter how good of an employee you are, you will get bored. Especially if you don't understand the contributions that you are making as you work. When you lose motivation, then the quality of your work will automatically decrease. This is bad not just for you, but for the entire company as well — because now you are inefficient.

On the other hand, if you understand the reasoning behind your tasks why it has to be done, you will feel that you are important to your organisation — that you belong, and that what you do matters. Most of the time, the quality of your work improves if you are motivated.

For example, everyday I have to input the page numbers for the ads in our school paper. It's tedious work. At first, I didn't know why I was doing it, and I was getting frustrated with having to do it every day. After a while, however, I realised that this was important because it was the only way for us to make sure that the ads were there, and that we can always use the page number that we've inputted to track an advertisement from weeks , or months ago, when needed (e.g. when a client requests to see a screenshot of the ad as proof.) After realising this, I started to take this daily task more seriously. Well, I didn't, become super passionate about it either, but I see the importance.

I feel like entrusting this knowledge to interns, admin-level employees, the newbies, in a club, or other similar positions, is beneficial for both the organisation and the individual. By doing this, you are educating them about the bigger things going on at work, and also reminding them that their efforts matter. You are encouraging them to become problem solvers, and to look at things the way you would look at things.

I've seen a lot of people complain every day saying things like, "I don't understand why they can't just do it properly! It's not that hard!" If that's the case, maybe take a step back. You might know how to do it perfectly because you know the big picture. Maybe, they don't know how to do the tasks properly because they're only seeing a small part of the picture, and that's not enough.

The author uses the example with page numbers (paragraph 6) to...

1) show how to stop doing boring work.
2) prove the benefit of knowing your goals.
3) explain how advertising process works.
4) encourage the reader to take work more seriously. 

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Задача 19#76573

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Seeing the big picture

In my very first experiences of interning or doing part-time work, I usually get placed at the very bottom of the food chain. One summer I was an administrative assistant, and now I hold a part-time job as an accounts receivable clerk. Since I mostly come inexperienced, I would have to get trained and mentored by the employees there. Most of the time, I get paired with an employee who introduces me to their daily tasks. After a few times experiencing this, and having the position of an outsider who is given a glimpse of the inner workings of a company, I've started to notice something that companies have in common. Most of us are missing the big picture.

As an employee starting a career in a specific company, in a non-decision-making position, we are often given a set of instructions for our daily tasks. These are the things that need to be done (by us) in order for the organisation to run well. It could be creating clippings of real estate advertisements from the newspaper. It might be processing a payment by following a detailed set of instructions. It could be very tedious stuff that might lead you to start to think: "Why am I doing this?"

I completely understand that sometimes there just isn't enough time or resources to explain everything to everyone in the team. But here is why I think understanding the big picture is great for everyone in the organisation.

First and foremost, not understanding the significance of what you are doing kills motivation. When you are stuck repeatedly doing the same things, for weeks and months... no matter how good of an employee you are, you will get bored. Especially if you don't understand the contributions that you are making as you work. When you lose motivation, then the quality of your work will automatically decrease. This is bad not just for you, but for the entire company as well — because now you are inefficient.

On the other hand, if you understand the reasoning behind your tasks why it has to be done, you will feel that you are important to your organisation — that you belong, and that what you do matters. Most of the time, the quality of your work improves if you are motivated.

For example, everyday I have to input the page numbers for the ads in our school paper. It's tedious work. At first, I didn't know why I was doing it, and I was getting frustrated with having to do it every day. After a while, however, I realised that this was important because it was the only way for us to make sure that the ads were there, and that we can always use the page number that we've inputted to track an advertisement from weeks , or months ago, when needed (e.g. when a client requests to see a screenshot of the ad as proof.) After realising this, I started to take this daily task more seriously. Well, I didn't, become super passionate about it either, but I see the importance.

I feel like entrusting this knowledge to interns, admin-level employees, the newbies, in a club, or other similar positions, is beneficial for both the organisation and the individual. By doing this, you are educating them about the bigger things going on at work, and also reminding them that their efforts matter. You are encouraging them to become problem solvers, and to look at things the way you would look at things.

I've seen a lot of people complain every day saying things like, "I don't understand why they can't just do it properly! It's not that hard!" If that's the case, maybe take a step back. You might know how to do it perfectly because you know the big picture. Maybe, they don't know how to do the tasks properly because they're only seeing a small part of the picture, and that's not enough.

This in paragraph 6 ("After realising this, I started...") most probably refers to...

1) reasons for being upset.
2) a client's request.
3) the value of the task.
4) imputting page numbers.


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Задача 20#76574

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Seeing the big picture

In my very first experiences of interning or doing part-time work, I usually get placed at the very bottom of the food chain. One summer I was an administrative assistant, and now I hold a part-time job as an accounts receivable clerk. Since I mostly come inexperienced, I would have to get trained and mentored by the employees there. Most of the time, I get paired with an employee who introduces me to their daily tasks. After a few times experiencing this, and having the position of an outsider who is given a glimpse of the inner workings of a company, I've started to notice something that companies have in common. Most of us are missing the big picture.

As an employee starting a career in a specific company, in a non-decision-making position, we are often given a set of instructions for our daily tasks. These are the things that need to be done (by us) in order for the organisation to run well. It could be creating clippings of real estate advertisements from the newspaper. It might be processing a payment by following a detailed set of instructions. It could be very tedious stuff that might lead you to start to think: "Why am I doing this?"

I completely understand that sometimes there just isn't enough time or resources to explain everything to everyone in the team. But here is why I think understanding the big picture is great for everyone in the organisation.

First and foremost, not understanding the significance of what you are doing kills motivation. When you are stuck repeatedly doing the same things, for weeks and months... no matter how good of an employee you are, you will get bored. Especially if you don't understand the contributions that you are making as you work. When you lose motivation, then the quality of your work will automatically decrease. This is bad not just for you, but for the entire company as well — because now you are inefficient.

On the other hand, if you understand the reasoning behind your tasks why it has to be done, you will feel that you are important to your organisation — that you belong, and that what you do matters. Most of the time, the quality of your work improves if you are motivated.

For example, everyday I have to input the page numbers for the ads in our school paper. It's tedious work. At first, I didn't know why I was doing it, and I was getting frustrated with having to do it every day. After a while, however, I realised that this was important because it was the only way for us to make sure that the ads were there, and that we can always use the page number that we've inputted to track an advertisement from weeks , or months ago, when needed (e.g. when a client requests to see a screenshot of the ad as proof.) After realising this, I started to take this daily task more seriously. Well, I didn't, become super passionate about it either, but I see the importance.

I feel like entrusting this knowledge to interns, admin-level employees, the newbies, in a club, or other similar positions, is beneficial for both the organisation and the individual. By doing this, you are educating them about the bigger things going on at work, and also reminding them that their efforts matter. You are encouraging them to become problem solvers, and to look at things the way you would look at things.

I've seen a lot of people complain every day saying things like, "I don't understand why they can't just do it properly! It's not that hard!" If that's the case, maybe take a step back. You might know how to do it perfectly because you know the big picture. Maybe, they don't know how to do the tasks properly because they're only seeing a small part of the picture, and that's not enough.

It is implied that if employees understand the reasoning behind their task they will...

1) understand their employers better.
2) change their position faster.
3) stay in the company longer.
4) continue their education. 

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