Тема 1. Аудирование

1.01 Задание 1. Задание на понимание основного содержания прослушанного текста

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Задача 1#53901

Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A-F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. Запишите свой ответ последовательностью цифр, где первая цифра - утверждение, соответствующее высказыванию говорящего Aа последняя - утверждение, соответствующее высказыванию говорящего FВ задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. 

1. I eat little and rather irregularly.

2. I am trying to get used to everyday healthy activities.

3. I feel unable to stop myself from eating.

4. I am afraid of having the same health problems as my relatives do.

5. I am willing to return to a healthy lifestyle despite being tired.

6. I am sure that I exercise enough while carrying out my everyday duties.

7. I feel now like starting a healthy life again. 

Вложения к задаче
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Speaker A. ...I've completely lost the athleticism that was a large part of my identity (wants to return to beeing fit) and I can't stand it any more. Now I'm trying to regain general fitness. So I've been biking to work (about 20 minutes) for two months now, trying to get more veggies and whole grain in my life, drinking lots of water, and I'm hoping (=willing) to start walking more although right now I have to work a lot and usually feel too exhausted after work to do anything else (=despite being tired)Statement 5.

Speaker B ... My goals are mainly to exercise regularly, drink enough water, and eat fruits and veggies daily. I do keep track of what I eat with journaling... (= healthy activities)... I just want to be stronger and feel better through trying to meet those goals every day (=trying to get used to). Now I feel I can do it. Statement 2.

Speaker C ...I slipped back into inactivity and unhealthy eating (=used to have healthy lifestyle) for various reasons. I miss what I had, but I've had a hard time finding the motivation to return to my usual healthy lifestyle (=haven't started returning yet).... The improvement in the weather is lifting my spirits, so I've decided to take advantage of the extra energy and design for myself a spring fitness challenge (= feels now like starting healthy life againStatement 7.

Speaker D ...I do the amount of exercise that is recommended (=ecxercises enough) for those whose goal is a healthy lifestyle, just by walking during my daily routine (=while carrying out everyday duties). About three times a week, I do more, sometimes considerably more... Statement 6.

Speaker E ...I've had terribly unhealthy eating habits for the last few years. I never took much time to eat and ended up eating very few meals (=eats irregularly)... For breakfast I eat a bowl of cereal and yogurt. Then grab five pieces of fruit I divide between lunch and dinner. It's more than I usually eat (=eats little)... Statement 1.

Speaker F ...I come from a family of rather overweight people. I've been working to live a more healthy and fit lifestyle since last December. Over the past three years, I've watched older relatives dealing with serious health problems (=relatives have problems), and it's been a wake up call for me to start taking care of myself while I'm young and my state of health hasn't become worse (=is afraid of having the same problems as older relatives).... Statement 4.


Ответ: 527614

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